This method returns a list of bundles of a given configuration. This list contains basic information on every bundle.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
configurationID | configuration ID | string | True |
configurationAccessKey | Configuration AccessKey allows an access to the bundles from a given configuration. | string | True |
top | Limiting the number of the returned results. | integer | False |
module | Limiting the searching results to the bundles with filled modules. In the case of many modules we separate the names with a comma, e. g., module Photo,Video,Audo. | string | False |
deviceID | Limiting to the ID of the devices that bundles are from. In the case of many tools we separate them with a comma, e. g., device ID=d4b9b40a-fb31-4487-bb35-6213e657417e,f0c88e7d-5459-4624-a461-11820e36b82 | string | False |
formID | Limiting to the ID of forms the bundles refer to. In the case of many IDs of forms we separate them with a comma, e.g.,ID=7daca124-cba8-4875-a96e-b01c1996b849,89d28902-f220-4746-af81-9361b0ec429d | string | False |
userInfo | Limiting to the users who introduced the bundles. In the case of many users we separate the names with a comma, e.g., userInfo=Mark,Andrew,Jacob | string | False |
status | Limiting to the status of a bundle. Possible statuses are: 100 – a bundle directed to proccessing, 110- a bundle with generated miniatures, 200- a bundle that has been fully proccessed, 300- a bundle proccessed incorectly. In the case of limiting to many statuses we separate them with a comma, e.g., status=100,200. Default value: status=200 | string | False |
downloaded | Limiting to the bundles that has already been downloaded. When the parameter is set on true it will return all the bundles, when set on false it will return all the bundles that has not been downloaded yet. | string | False |
inputDateFrom | Bottom limits on data of addig the bundle to the system.Time is in UTC, e.g., inputDateFrom=2016-08-04T06:30:43.353. | string | False |
inputDateTo | Top limits on data of adding the bundle to the system. Time is in UTC, e.g., inputDateFrom=2017-12-03T07:23:41.333. | string | False |
bundleIDFrom | Bottom limits on bundle ID. | int | False |
bundleIDTo | Top limits on bundle ID. | int | False |
Status | Description | |
Bundle list. | ||
The bundle of the required parameters has not been found. | ||
Parameters are incorrect. | ||
Configuration AccessKey does not exist. | ||
Configuration AccesKey is blocked by an owner of the configuration. | ||
Internal server error |
Sample of using
using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { var url = "https://scanandpaste.com/api/BundleManager/GetListByCAK?configurationID=af7a6ac0-d58b-439e-b278-41729d3fe8ee&configurationAccessKey=292a22ed-b361-43cd-bacf-32ec69db186e&top=10&status=100,110,200"; string response = client.DownloadString(url); Console.WriteLine(response); }
import urllib2 url = 'https://scanandpaste.com/api/BundleManager/GetListByCAK?configurationID=af7a6ac0-d58b-439e-b278-41729d3fe8ee&configurationAccessKey=292a22ed-b361-43cd-bacf-32ec69db186e&top=10&status=100,110,200' response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() print response
URL url = new URL("https://scanandpaste.com/api/BundleManager/GetListByCAK?configurationID=af7a6ac0-d58b-439e-b278-41729d3fe8ee&configurationAccessKey=292a22ed-b361-43cd-bacf-32ec69db186e&top=10&status=100,110,200"); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( (conn.getInputStream()))); String output; while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(output); } conn.disconnect();